An overview of the 21st century Estonian concrete architecture and construction

An overview book of the 21st century Estonian concrete construction, “Concrete Book – Concrete Buildings in the 21st Century Estonia”, has been published commissioned by the Estonian Concrete Association and the Association of Construction Material Producers of Estonia.

The richly illustrated book with texts in Estonian, English, and Russian, gives an overview of the contemporary Estonian concrete architecture and construction on the basis of the winning works of the Concrete Building of the Year contest, the oldest construction contest in Estonia.

The book contains numerous interviews with Estonian architects, constructors, managers of construction and concrete companies, as well as overview articles on the history of Estonian concrete architecture (by Karin Paulus) and the history of the Concrete Building of the Year contest (by Eva Kiisler).

“When we think about our living environment, the contemporary country and society are unthinkable without concrete and artificial stone. Everyone can ponder, browsing through this book, whether these winners reflect the environment around us on a broader scale. Are these buildings, or at least some of them becoming landmarks? Imprints in stone of their own time.”

The chairman of the Estonian Concrete Association Imre Leetma says in the book’s preface.

Concrete Book. Concrete Buildings in the 21st Century Estonia.

Winning Works of the Estonian Concrete Building of the Year Contest, 2000-2020.

Editor: Toomas Kään.

Texts: Eva Kiisler, Maris Mändel, Karin Paulus, Leele Välja.

Richly illustrated with photos.

Designer: Andres Tali.

224 p.

The publishing of the book was funded by 21 Estonian construction companies and the Estonian Concrete Association.

The Estonian Concrete Association is an association promoting the use of concrete as a

domestic building material consisting of 77 companies, organizations and individuals.

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