Estonian companies seeks to gain foothold in China

Representative of the European Union SME Centre Renzo Isler and Head of Enterprise Estonia’s Estonia-Asia Trade Agency Eva-Kristina Ponomarjov signed a new Memorandum of Understanding to further develop relations and continue cooperation in regard to advising Estonian companies and supporting them in their attempts to export to the Chinese market.

“We can offer Estonian companies better training, a support system and topical information regarding rules and regulations because of our combined efforts. Regulations are extremely important in China because it is quite different and constantly changing in various sectors and regions. All of this will help Estonian companies make wiser business decisions in the large, complex Chinese market.


Enterprise Estonia and the EU SME Centre signed the first cooperation agreement in 2015 and both parties have since constantly supported Estonian companies in their efforts to break into the Chinese market as well as expand their operations there.

Sector-specific training sessions, business meetings and events have been arranged between the two companies. For example, a delegation of logistics sector companies participated in an event arranged at the Estonian Embassy whose main focus was possible market opportunities in China.

The EU SME Centre is an EU initiative with an aim to prepare European companies regarding business activity in the Chinese market. A broad spectrum of practical support and information is provided – market surveys, training sessions and consultations.

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