Port of HaminaKotka presented topical matters

Port of HaminaKotka Ltd arranged the second informational online meeting this year for its customers and stakeholders.

Commercial Director Eija Rossi shared positive expectations for the current year. She also reminded about new infrastructure in the port: charging points for electric cars were installed at Mussalo, guide maps of the port were updated.

Port construction continues to be very active. Technical Director Jari Kontunen presented issues such as the infrastructure and quay work at Mussalo D-area, the expansion plans for the H3 ramp at Hietanen, projects by various parties in Hamina and improvements to stormwater drainage at the EU quay.

System Specialist Juha Hämäläinen went through the use of the truck weighbridge. He described, among other things, the application process for weighbridge permits and clarified the weighing receipt information, which often raises questions.

KoKoHa rail project covering Kouvola, Kotka and Hamina was progressing on schedule. Ville Kuitunen, Director of Traffic Operations, also stated that the new Rail Transport Act entered into force on 1 February 2021. It creates some new practices for the management of rail transport. A network statement will no longer be used, and it will be replaced by a service facility description. The Port will provide information about the impacts of the change on its website and arrange separate information sessions on the matter.

Occupational safety matters concern everyone working in the port area, and Development Manager Suvi-Tuuli Lappalainen agreed, that the port is a workplace of shared hazards. There are several employers in the area which work simultaneously without primary authority. The employers are in an equal position with respect to each other, and they are obliged to communicate with each other about the safety issues and to co-operate with each other.

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