The second edition of the European Hydrogen Week will take place on 29 November – 3 December 2021.

The Hydrogen Week will feature among others the European Hydrogen Forum, the FCH JU Programme Review Days and the FCH JU Awards.

The events will bring together policy-makers, industry representatives, civil society organisations and the research community to discuss the latest developments at EU level in the hydrogen sector and will mark the public launch of the Clean Hydrogen Partnership – as the successor of the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Undertaking.

The Clean Hydrogen Partnership will be a key instrument in the implementation of the European Hydrogen Strategy and for achieving the ambitious EU Green Deal goals. Together with the Clean Hydrogen Alliance, it will contribute to the achievement of the Union’s objectives put forward in the strategy.

At this stage, Hydrogen Week is envisaged as a hybrid event; however, the final format will be decided closer to the date, in line with the latest government health recommendations. More information on registration, format and programme of the events will follow soon.

Hydrogen in Lithuania

The development of renewable energy and innovative technologies are ones of the main changes envisaged in the Lithuanian National Climate Change Management Agenda. The biggest challenge facing the industry is to completely abandon fossil fuels by 2045, therefore Lithuania will rapidly develop alternative technologies, green hydrogen included.

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