Materials from cellulose as a manufacturing challenge of a low carbon future

The EU-funded CELISE project aims to forge a multinational partnership between European research and innovation institutions, industry and researcher teams in third countries for the exchange of know-how regarding cellulose-based materials.

The environmentally friendly production of cellulose-based materials is a pivotal manufacturing challenge for a low-carbon future. Focusing on small and medium-sized enterprises, rural and vulnerable areas in Europe and Latin America that use processed biomass residues for raw materials, the project will take into consideration social, environmental and economic points of view for sustainable future production of bioenergy and construction materials.

One of 11 participants of this Horizon 2020 program MSCA-RISE project is Latvian State institute of Wood chemistry. CELISE started on the 1st of October and the first meeting took place on 23rd of November 2021. Latvia was represented by reseacher Dr. chem. Laura Andže.

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