When brand name becomes a synonym for the product

I bet you you all heard that people call nappies Pampers or SUVs call Jeeps. It may happen when a brand establishes itself as the the first, biggest or best in their category of products. When talking about environmental protection and the treatment facilities needed to ensure it, Lithuanians recall Traidenis. During 25 years of bussiness developement, the name of the company Traidenis became kind of common name for all wastewater treatment solutions.

Sigitas Leonavičius, CEO of UAB Traidenis, said that his employees have been laying the foundation for many years for our society to realize that the environment around us must be cleaner and everyone must help to take care of it.

Over the course of a quarter of a century, S. Leonavičius, an engineer who operates a business with his whole family, has not only managed to train a team of excellent cleaning equipment specialists and enlighten the Lithuanian people; the business he has developed now boasts of modern, technological solutions recognised throughout Europe that have received numerous awards for their merit.

“In 25 years, we have created many products that have become commonly used throughout Europe and the Baltic States. We started with small-scale treatment equipment and introduced it to the market. Today, we are undertaking the fifth modification of these items of equipment with telemetry, remote controls, data controls, accounting systems, etc., which we supply to Scandinavian and Western European countries. We have developed modular systems for treatment plants in villages and settlements, which are in great demand today in both Western and CIS countries, as well as in Ukraine.”

The company has managed to achieve a synergy between science and business, and to combine the knowledge accumulated by the older generation with the practices of Western countries. Throughout its operations, the company has received numerous awards and recognitions. By organising exhibitions and seminars, the company has raised public’s interest in the environmental culture and increased awareness of water treatment issues. As a result, the company’s name Traidenis has become a general name for wastewater treatment plants.

“Although the vision of corporate social responsibility was brought to Lithuania by large foreign companies, the good examples quickly spread. Today, if you are not socially responsible, you risk not only losing your reputation and your business partners, but also your customers. We must realise that employees need good working conditions and help. We need to be ready to help people with disabilities, or people in distress, to contribute to the community environment and to take care of our resources as much as possible. I don’t think a business that doesn’t strive to be socially responsible could survive these days.”

CEO of Traidenis, S. Leonavičius.

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