The conference Lithuanian Science and Industry 2021: how to transform industry and prepare for the forthcoming changes

On 22 of October 2021 representatives of science, business and politics are invited to the conference “Lithuanian Science and Industry 2021”. The annual event discusses the key issues of the country’s industrial and economic development and technological progress. The theme of this year’s conference is Transforming Industry: How to Prepare for the Changes?

The event is organized by Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) together with the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists, Kaunas Region Association of Industrialists and Employers, Science, Innovation and Technology Agency (MITA) and Lithuanian Innovation Center (LIC).

In order to achieve the goals set by the European Union and to ensure sustainable economic growth, industrial transformation is necessary. The key to a successful industrial transformation is the development of digital technologies and a circular economy that fosters the creation of high and higher value-added jobs. Moreover, the successful introduction and implementation of an effective circular economy model that responds to the challenges of industry 4.0 requires strong preparation and the involvement of all stakeholders – science, business and politics. An important step in this direction is expected to be taken during this year’s conference “Lithuanian Science and Industry 2021”.

“This year’s theme was dictated by the general situation in Europe, and at the same time in Lithuania. In 2019 European Commission (EC) proposed the European Green Deal, which set a vision for sustainable economic growth and an ambitious goal of neutralizing the effects on the climate. In order to achieve common goals with the European Union, the Lithuanian economy will need rapid changes to adapt to the new requirements and transform its industry and business models.

The speakers will reflect on the important moments for the development of innovations and technologies, which promote a clearer understanding of the current situation and position in Lithuania, Europe and the world. Insights on sustainability and digitalisation aspirations will be shared to help assess the state of the local and global innovation ecosystem. Experts will define the needs and opportunities for cooperation of local and global scientific, business and political communities, identify trends and share forecasts, and identify the potential impact on competitiveness.

What support and assistance can participants in the innovation ecosystem expect in the next few years? Will all Lithuanian companies be able to transform in time, adapt properly and implement the requirements of the European Green Deal? Do we have the skills to integrate into European plans, apply for support and make good use of it? The conference organizers invite you to meet on October 22 to discuss these issues and find effective solutions.

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